Crunchyroll Do Better (Feat. Theo J Ellis of Anime Motivation) Podcast


We want to welcome back a guest on our show we haven’t spoken to in almost year, criminal really, and talk the talk about the usual. Plus the results of the recent Crunchyroll Anime Awards were abysmal and we need to know why Crunchyroll keeps on messing it up.

In this episode of the Wannabeaboo podcast, Jomel and Joran invited Theo J Ellis from Anime Motivation.

The MAIN topic is of course about Crunchyroll, their anime awards, their rules, policies, political correctness, and the bias that comes with the awards despite Judges like Theo J Ellis taking part.

How the Crunchyroll anime awards works is by majority vote by judges, so if the judges choose typical anime, that’s why you see typical anime that wins unfairly and unsurprisingly.

Have a listen!